Consciously Create Your Future!

Discover The Processes, Tools, And Practices To Know Yourself Deeply,  And Overcome Any Challenges You Face As You Discover Who You Want To Be!

Coaching with Coach Carolina Baez

A 6-month 1:1, individualized coaching journey that will support you as you overcome your struggles and find your own direction by the compass of your conscience…

Are you a high-achieving woman who feels stuck in a career path that doesn't align with your soul? 

Do you struggle with anxiety, self-doubt, and negative thoughts that hold you back from achieving your goals?

You're not alone…

I have worked with numerous clients who have felt dissatisfied with their life, while simultaneously unsure of how, or what, to change in order to feel fulfilled and content. Or even if they do know what to do - they are paralyzed in fear of making any real change.  Inner dialogue such as “What will people think?” or “I don’t think I can do that” or “what if I make a wrong choice?” can make the mind a chaotic and overwhelming place to be. So instead, people often search for external solutions to fill the happiness gap and are left feeling even more defeated when the temporary highs inevitably come down. As a certified coach, I understand how fear, anxiety, control, restlessness, and achievement can get in the way of the path you desire.

What if you could break free from those limitations and step into the empowered, confident woman you were meant to be?

I understand what it feels like to follow in others’ footsteps, only to realize that it’s someone else’s path that you’re on. My approach addresses both the inner and outer sources of anxiety, lack of fulfillment, and self-doubt holding you back.

 I can help you with: 

  • A greater understanding of your identity and discover what’s getting in the way of what you want to achieve

  • Aligned your values to live the life you want

  • Ways to pursue your goals and desires without fears

  • Ways to manage the thoughts that no longer serve you

  • How to start experiencing the present moment

  • Build new habits to support your new ways of being

  • Easy and practical ways to practice mindfulness

  • Ways to experience gratitude and self-love in your life

  • “Disrupt” beliefs, assumptions, and patterns of thinking that control your unconscious decisions and actions.

Here's the truth…

most high-achiever women face struggles like these at some point in their lives. The problem is these recurring inner blocks start to weigh us down. Is like waking up every day and wearing a heavy backpack that keeps us down. Rather than feeling empowered and free. You end up just going through the motions each day without a sense of purpose or passion.

This leads to:

  • Feeling stressed, anxious, and overwhelmed trying to "do it all"

  • Criticizing yourself or doubting your abilities

  • Lacking fulfillment or meaning in your current work/path 

  • Struggling with perfectionism  

  • Putting others' needs and expectations first  

  • Fear of failure and judgment from others  

  • Negative self-talk and thought loops 

  • Feeling disconnected from your intuition and true self

  • Lack of self-confidence and self-trust  

  • Less career fulfillment and satisfaction  

  • Struggling to create balance and self-care  

  • Disconnection from your core values and desires 

  • Putting off or avoiding what will truly make you happy

Do any of these challenges sound familiar to you?

 If so, I would love to connect with you. So you can move past these challenges and start emptying your backpack! The first step is recognizing you deserve to live a life aligned with your unique gifts and purpose. My approach helps high-achievers like you:

  • Break negative thought patterns and inner critical habits  

  • Reduce stress and overwhelm 

  •  Strengthen self-confidence and resilience  

  • Connect more deeply with your core values, passions, and desires  

  • Set goals and take action aligned with your purpose  

  • Trust your intuition and develop spiritual self-awareness  

  • Create balance, self-care, and lasting fulfillment

I blend transformational coaching for self-awareness, values clarification, empowered action, hypnotherapy and neuroscience to reprogram limiting beliefs and thought patterns. Spiritual principles and mindfulness for inner peace, intuition, and self actualization. Ongoing support and accountability to implement change. You'll be equipped with practices and tools to manage negative thought patterns, connect with your intuition, and consistently take purposeful action.

"...I've restarted projects I've been putting aside because of fear, set boundaries and I feel oriented and heading in the right direction. If you're lacking self-love and self-care in your life, I highly recommend this coaching program. If you're feeling like you're stuck, overwhelmed, or just in need of finding YOUR joy I highly recommend working one-on-one with Carolina."


Now you might be wondering...

How does my coaching approach differ from typical therapy or self-help books? 

Therapy and self-help books can provide important insights, but they have limitations. Talk therapy focuses on the past. While I meet you where you are now and help co-create your future.  Books give generic advice that may or may not apply to your unique situation. I customize my coaching specifically to your needs and goals. Neither provides accountability for action which is key to driving real change. My coaching keeps you focused and consistent.

“Carolina has guided me to realize how I show up in the world and what motivates me. With her help, I have been able to dig into my past experiences to learn why I am how I am and pinpoint places I want to improve to be a better version of myself.”


What they are saying…

I might not be the right coach for you if are:

  •  If you aren’t ready to transform your life and open up to new perspectives 

  • If you are looking for a quick fix without doing the work 

  • If you are looking for me to give you the answers or always tell what to do

Here is how to know if I’m the right coach for you:

  • Driven and ambitious… serious about your personal development 

  • Tired of comparing yourself and doing what you think will look good

  • Tired of the constant negative thoughts and inner critic chatter in your mind 

  • If you’re the kind of person who has a vision for the life you want, but you’re stuck in your head and KNOW what is holding you back… which makes it even more frustrating that you’re not there yet and haven’t been able to fix the problem.

What’s included

Now, let's explore the details of my signature 1:1 coaching program. My 6-Month 1:1 Signature Coaching Program is designed for overachiever women who are ready to fully transform. Unlike a one-off workshop, we'll work together intensively over 6 months to unpack your challenges and make tangible shifts. Here’s what’s included:

  • Private coaching calls (60 minutes each): This is where we do the deep work! During our coaching sessions, I listen to what you say and how you say it. We talk about what’s most important, reveal useful (and less useful) emotions that accompany your thoughts so that you can gain more clarity. 

  •  Calls will be biweekly and may involve meditation, visualization, hypnosis, intuitive inquiry, and other proven modalities personalized to your needs. We’ll address both inner blocks and steps for real-world change

  • Customized Action Plans: You’ll walk away from each session with clear action items to drive progress before our next meeting. 

  • Accountability: your goals, vision and path. The bulk of the coaching work happens outside of our sessions, and I will be by your side as you do the work.

  • Tools For Reflection, Self Development, And Personal Growth

  • A Safe Space To Talk Through Anything That Is On Their Heart Or Mind

  • And So Much More…

Ready to take the next step?

I’d like to get to know you personally, so I can understand the challenges you are facing. 

Let's schedule a complimentary 30-minute call to talk about what's happening for you, and see if we’re a good fit.

Together, we will dive into your concerns and discuss how I can best support you . 

If, after our call, you decide that this isn’t for you that’s completely fine! There’s no obligation… 

Why now?

If you are anything like me or resonate with what I have shared, you know that life is too short. Deep down you know waiting for the right time to start your transformation journey will only keep you in the same patterns and old ways of being which no longer support who you want to be. 

The first step to transformation starts with taking action!

Frequently asked questions

  • This 1:1 coaching is for high-achieving women who are ready to break free from internal limitations and create a life they truly love. You know you need to do the work and are looking for a coach who can support and encourage you to the path forward and achieve your goals. If you're tired of feeling stuck, anxious, or unfulfilled, and you're ready to invest in yourself and your future, then yes, this program is for you!

  • You have to be willing to put in the work. While I can provide a safe and encouraging space, it’s only you who can shift your mindset and perspectives.

    There will still be tough days but together we will create a roadmap for you to overcome them and move forward with more clarity and confidence. During our time together, I will ask you powerful questions and hold you accountable to achieve your vision and goals.